Meghalitics & Fortresses

Meghalitics & Fortresses
Fortress of the North Ternate & Tidore

Fortress of the North: Ternate and Tidore islands

Ternate and Tidore were rivals in the past, and became world famous during the 15th century as the only source of clove which was a high consumer commodity specially in Europe. During this tour you will visit several famous fortresses established by the Portuguese, Spaniards and the Dutch dated back tot he 15th and 16th
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Fortress of the South Saparua & Banda island

Fortress of the South: Saparua & Banda island

Saparua is a small island in the chain of Nusa-Ina islands, it’s famousity because of the Fort Duurstede. If you are a fortress lover than you can combine the visit to Banda island, which also offers a lot of fortresses such as Fort Belgica, Fort Hollandia and Fort Nassau. Visiting the fortresses on your own
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Trekking in Bada Valley

Bada Valley located in the Lore Lindu National Park in central Sulawesi. This valley contains hundreds of megaliths going back to the 14th century. To reach Bada Valley you need four-wheel drive Jeeps due to the challenging roads. Meals and accommodation will be simple, but the panorama views are magnificent! Matahari Travels provide all the
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