Rain Forest Expeditions

Rain Forest Expeditions
Manusela NP Expedition

Expedition to Manusela Rainforest

Manusela National Park is located in Seram island and it has an area of 1890 km2 consist of coastal forest, swamp forest, lowland and montane rainforest ecosystem types. The highest mountain at the park is Mount Binaiya at 3027 metres. Preparation of this expedition into the Manusela National Park will take place in Sawae village
per person
Meet the Orangoetang of Kalimantan

Meet the Orang Oetan of Kalimantan

Orang Oetan (actually it means ‘man of the forest’) originally come from the jungle of Sumatra and Kalimantan. The best spot to meet them is in the jungle of Pangkalan Bun in central Kalimantan. You will travel by private boat along the river of the jungle and you probably will see salt-water crocodile, proboscis monkeys
per person

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